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The role of clusters in the strategy of the innovative development of the region


The main objective of the cluster policy is to choose a promising model of cluster development and the formation of a new generation of clusters, the basis of which will be centers of innovation and knowledge, universities, technological engineering organizations, but not industrial enterprises. Thus, the features of the functioning of a new generation clusters aimed at the creation of new technologies, the implementation of deep technological modernization and innovative development of industry, as well as training to work in a new industrial technological formation, are characterized by the presence of three organizationally related components: fundamental practices of science-oriented, innovative industry, developing education. The practice of recent years shows that the most dynamically developing regions are those in which industrial clusters have been formed. Clusters represent a kind of symbiosis between differentiation and cooperation, intermediate between the interaction and merger. The stability of cluster formations is determined by the fact that partners produce goods and services, carry out the work essential and irreplaceable for each other. Cluster policy is now becoming one of the main types of regional socio-economic policy. The main aim of this policy is to ensure high rates of economic growth and diversification of the economy by improving the competitiveness of enterprises, suppliers of equipment, components, specialized production and services, research and educational organizations that form territorial production clusters.

About the Author

P. D. Beisekova
Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University


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For citations:

Beisekova P.D. The role of clusters in the strategy of the innovative development of the region. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(1):168-171. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)