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Efficiency of water resources management in irrigated agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Effective water resources management is an important component of the national water (water management) policy, and in the context of the transition to a sustainable water use model, the formation of an adequate management system is a fundamentally important task. At the same time, water management means the function of the impact of a specially organized state system on the socio-ecological and economic system of the basin through a set of measures and levers. Obtaining reliable hydrological information is necessary for conducting water management calculations and balances in order to identify opportunities to meet the demand for water, the emergence of risks in water supply to consumers. Disposable water resources are of interest from the point of view of the possibility of using river flow in the sectors of the economy. Their magnitude is determined by the difference in water resources and mandatory flow costs. Water resources are established taking into account the redistribution by reservoirs of runoff in wet years in dry years, return water, transfer of runoff from other basins, use of underground and other sources. Conducting an in-depth study of the state of operation of irrigation systems and irrigated lands of the country, the main directions of rational use of water resources in irrigated lands and the development of effective water use management in the conditions of the market mechanism will ensure the harmonization of interests of all subjects of water and land relations and the dynamic development of basic industries (water and agriculture) of Kazakhstan. The pace and volume of restoration and reconstruction of irrigation in the general scheme for the integrated use and protection of water resources, the scheme for the integrated use and protection of water resources was adopted proceeding from the strategy for the development of irrigated agriculture and the need to satisfy the population of the republic with food, taking into account economic and material factors.

About the Author

M. B. Shakenova
Central-Asian University


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2. Достай Ж.Д. Природные воды Казахстана: ресурсы, режим, качество и прогноз // Водные ресурсы Казахстана: оценка, прогноз, управление. - Алматы, 2015. - Т. 2. - 330 с.

3. Медеу А.Р., Мальковский И.М., Толеубаева Л.С. Водные ресурсы Казахстана: оценка, прогноз, управление (концепция) / Алматы: ЭБС «ЦентрАзия», 2016 - 94 с.


For citations:

Shakenova M.B. Efficiency of water resources management in irrigated agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(1):201-204. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)