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Organiztion of the state policy of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article is devoted to the formation of anti-corruption culture and the fight against economic threats of the republic. This is of great importance for the organization of national security of the country. The need for effective development of state institutions that guarantee the protection of national interests is highlighted. A literature review on the organization of economic and national security was conducted. The main indicators of Kazakhstan’s economic security over the past five years have been determined. The analysis showed that economic growth is mainly focused on the mining sector. The state budget expenditures on social security and targeted assistance have been analyzed. An average per capita income has been estimated, which is gradually increasing. It is justified that low annual inflation stimulates consumer demand of the population. At the same time, some devaluation of the Russian ruble, uncertainty in the development of the world economy and risks present a threat to national security and national economy. Such problems as duplication of functions of state bodies, raw specialization, low competitiveness of the economy are revealed in the article. As recommendations some requirements for improving the technological supply of the economic sectors, reducing import dependence and others are given. It is necessary to focus on improving the implementation of the state policy to protect the society and counter domestic and external threats to Kazakhstan’s national security.

About the Authors

Sh. A. Smagulova
Narhoz University

A. B. Imashev
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and Intermational Trade

A. F. Syrym
Narhoz University


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For citations:

Smagulova Sh.A., Imashev A.B., Syrym A.F. Organiztion of the state policy of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(1):240-245. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)