Perspectives of regional economic cooperation in Central Asian countries
The modern world is characterized by instability, a change in balance sheets and a change in the system of international relations. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Central Asia was at the center of attention of various external forces. The region was at the intersection of interests of both regional and global players. For the world economy, the Central Asian region is interesting, first of all, as a source of raw materials. Oil, gas, coal and metals are currently the most popular exported goods, in turn, agricultural products also provide dynamic growth for last years. During the quarter century independence Central Asian countries has developed in different ways and trajectories. One has made big economic impulse and other one has slow down and face big crises. But all the time period Central Asian countries have common priorities in economy and development because those countries are connected not only by geographical location, but at the same time culturally, mentally even in some cases by economical and political issues. The article is about economic development and tendencies of Central Asian states as whole and separately. The author carries out general and detailed analyses of GDP growth and its structure. On the other hand the investment climate and investment attractiveness of countries are analyzed. It explains countries’ and region’s current economic situation.
economic development,
regional economy,
investment attractiveness,
dynamic growth,
экономическое развитие,
региональная экономика,
инвестиционная привлекательность,
динамичный рост,
экономикалық даму,
аймақтық экономика,
инвестициялық тартымдық,
қарқынды өсу
About the Author
A. . Khoich
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
1. ADB. 2016. Technical assistance for enhancing coordination of the Central Asia regional economic cooperation program. Manila.
2. ADB. 2016. operational plan for regional cooperation and integration, 2016-2020: Promoting Connectivity.
3. Competitiveness, regional public goods, and collective action for Asia and the Pacific. Manila.
4. The TA first appeared in the business opportunities section of ADB’s website on 11 April 2018.
5. ADB. 2017. CAREC 2030: Connecting the region for shared and sustainable development. Manila.
6. Asian economic integration monitor - July 2012:
7. ESCAP (2014). Economic diversification in Asian landlocked developing countries: prospects and challenges:
For citations:
Khoich A.
Perspectives of regional economic cooperation in Central Asian countries. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):9-14.
(In Russ.)
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