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International experience and conditions of logistics in Kazakhstan


The market of logistics in Kazakhstan is at a stage of formation and has a number of national peculiarities in comparison with the foreign markets. The nature of logistic services is directly connected with management of purchases, supply, storage of freights, goods and materials. Effectively built system of the movement of goods from the place of their transportation to point of delivery to the end user defines optimality of production and marketing processes. In business and production logistic system is designed to cut financial and temporary expenses of the organizations. Logistic management is necessary in the development of market strategy, in management of these processes, in logistics of supply, production, sale and realization. Information prepared by management accounting is necessary for logistic management in adoption of administrative decisions in optimization of expenses. The article reveals aspects of development of a condition of logistics abroad. The experience of Japan, the USA, France, Germany, Russia is considered, recommendations after development of logistics of Kazakhstan are made. The authors have carried out the analysis of definitions of the term “logistics”, foreign experts and specialists have come to a conclusion that it represents broader category, than marketing, many of the main functions of marketing have passed to logistics. One of confirmations is the creation of the logistic structures in a number of firms which have absorbed earlier functioning of division of marketing.

About the Authors

A. A. Korzhengulova
Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics

K. T. Taigashinova
Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics

V. L. Nazarova
Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics


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For citations:

Korzhengulova A.A., Taigashinova K.T., Nazarova V.L. International experience and conditions of logistics in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):28-33. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
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