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Innovative approach in strategic planning of region development (on materials of Pavlodar region)


The article considers the possibility of using foresight in strategic planning for the region’s development to predict scientific, technological and economic development based on the materials of Pavlodar region. Pavlodar region is one of Kazakhstan regions, the economy of Pavlodar began to form in the 1940s and needs technological modernization of large and medium-sized enterprises, which will increase the share of raw materials focused on deep processing and high added value production. The article presents evaluation of the current economy, which confirms the preservation of the dominant position of raw materials industries, and the existance of a small producing final products proportion (processing of agricultural products, chemical industry). The article proves that improving the efficiency of functioning and competitiveness in the perspective dictates requirements to organize the process of coherent vision formation for the technological future. In world practice, foresight research technology is used as a tool for forecasting and planning the regional growth prospects. Regional foresight is a method of long-term forecasting of scientific, technological and social development, based on expert surveys in socioeconomic and innovative development of the region. The authors describe the results for the regional foresight study focused on regional priorities of innovative development. The identified priorities of scientific, technological and social development were used in the elaboration of the scenario for the development of Pavlodar region.

About the Authors

V. P. Shelomentseva
Innovative University of Eurasia

G. M. Beisembayeva
Bishkek Humanities University им. Karasayeva

Zh. K. Altaibayeva
Innovative University of Eurasia


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For citations:

Shelomentseva V.P., Beisembayeva G.M., Altaibayeva Zh.K. Innovative approach in strategic planning of region development (on materials of Pavlodar region). Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):46-51. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)