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Problems of development of integrated formations in agro-industrail complex


The political, economic, social and institutional changes taking place in the country objectively created conditions and gave impetus to the revival, establishment and development of integrated agro-industrial formations in the agro-industrial complex. The current state of development of agro-industrial integration is characterized by instability and inconsistency, the lack of an effective organizational and economic mechanism, which determines the timeliness and relevance of this study. This article discusses the theoretical foundations of integrated formations, the distinctive features of modern integrated agro-industrial formations, their classification. The advantages and disadvantages of various organizational and legal forms, such as cooperatives, associations and unions, agrofirms are presented. The authors substantiated that, in order to create integrated structures, the principles of joining, merging agribusiness enterprises are used in order to create a unified rational technological production process, production of products before its implementation. The study of the existing forms of integrated formations, the features of each model of agro-industrial integration suggests that none of them has an absolute advantage over the others. All integration models have their own distinctive features, features of creation and functioning, allowing each of them to realize their organizational and economic potential in certain business conditions. Therefore, the emergence and development of all methods of regulating relations in specific production conditions is natural.

About the Authors

A. A. Mukhamadiyeva
Kazakhstan Innovation University

B. K. Schomshekova
Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov

M. S. Yerzhanov
“Turan” University

A. M. Yerzhanova
“Turan” University


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For citations:

Mukhamadiyeva A.A., Schomshekova B.K., Yerzhanov M.S., Yerzhanova A.M. Problems of development of integrated formations in agro-industrail complex. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):78-83. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)