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The development of the deep processing sector of the metallurgical complex through innovation


Changing the technological structure of the country's economy is a long-term, capital-intensive process, which includes a strong component of social factors, so the relevant decisions should be based on the results of long-term forecasting and analysis of their possible consequences. Domestic metallurgical companies not only very poorly master new high-tech production, but also gradually lose their existing competitive niches, thereby losing competitive positions. The ongoing restructuring and modernization of the industrial metallurgical complex provides additional opportunities for transformation into innovation-oriented, competitive economic systems. New competitive technologies should emerge and promote research in the field of scientific and technological progress. This article aims to show the trends of scientific and technological development of the metallurgical complex of the country, the state innovation policy, contributing to the development of R & D. It also should be noted that science, as a source of ideas for the scientific and innovative development of the metallurgical complex, should not be a separate element of the system, but should be a key element of each large segment. Science should be integrated into the public sector, the higher education system (laboratories, technology centers at universities), the business sector (research centers of large companies, small science-intensive business). Each of these sectors can become a source of ideas for innovation.

About the Authors

S. V. Bespalyy
Innovative University of Eurasia, Economy and Management department

L. I. Kashuk
Innovative University of Eurasia, Economy and Management department

L. M. Davidenko
Innovative University of Eurasia, Economy and Management department


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For citations:

Bespalyy S.V., Kashuk L.I., Davidenko L.M. The development of the deep processing sector of the metallurgical complex through innovation. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):84-89. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)