
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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The article discusses the importance of the formation and development of human potential to achieve the goals of innovative development of the country. For quite a long time in economics, there is an increasing interest in human capabilities, realized in the form of human potential. Innovation processes that occur in all sectors of the economy lead to the formation of an innovative society, the competitiveness of which is determined not so much by tangible assets, as by the level of innovation and intellectual development. The concept of human potential becomes a solid basis for developing programs for the further development of the system of education, science, technology, health care, and the distribution of labor resources. At present, human potential has become the main factor in the development of society, the economy and the state as a whole. It is important not only to know the origins of the emergence and formation of the concept of “human capital”, but also to properly use this valuable resource so that it benefits the national economy. At the state level, it is important to highlight the most priority directions of development and the use of human potential, which will lead to the formation of such an economic development strategy, in the center of which there will be a person with an accumulated stock of knowledge, skills, and innovative ideas. This is especially true for the Kazakh economy, the development of which for the most part is due to the involvement and use of natural resources, while human capital is not always fully used.

About the Author

D. . Zakirova
“Turan” University


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For citations:

Zakirova D. HUMAN POTENTIAL AS A FACTOR OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):102-106. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)