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On the regulation of the access of foreign insurance capital to the national market (comparative analysis)


The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of national legal and regulatory regimes in relation to the admission of foreign insurance capital. The urgency of this problem is caused by the need for Russia and Kazakhstan to fulfill their obligations to the WTO contained in the agreements on the accession of these countries to the World Trade Organization. Provisions from the laws and regulations of a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia are given. Substantiations of the relevance of regulatory structures in this area related to ensuring the financial stability of domestic insurance markets, preventing possible bankruptcy of foreign insurers, withdrawing reinsurance premiums from the national economy and protecting consumers of insurance services are presented. Regulatory requirements of different countries for foreign insurers, differentiated by a variety of positions in terms of capital, work experience in the market, types of insurance, and individual requirements for insurance intermediaries, captive insurers, etc., are given in qualitative and quantitative terms. The emphasis on protectionism in relation to national insurers, which in both Russia and Kazakhstan do not have sufficient international competitiveness compared with the leaders of the international insurance business is important.

About the Author

I. P. Khominich
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


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For citations:

Khominich I.P. On the regulation of the access of foreign insurance capital to the national market (comparative analysis). Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):118-122. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)