Methodical specifics of analysis of integration in business
The successful functioning of entrepreneurial activity to a large extent depends on the level of business competitiveness. Not every company manages to adequately maintain its position in the face of fierce competition. If negative conditions arise that prevent the effective functioning of the business, the question of its reorganization in the form of integration may appear. Speaking about the high dynamics of integration processes in business, it their lack of effectiveness should be noted. This is primarily due to the fact that integration processes are characterized by the complexity of internal mechanisms that require in-depth analytical studies using numerous economic indicators. The modern practice of integration analysis has a general “basic” model of a system of indicators, which, however, cannot be considered sufficient for any variants of integration processes. Each option has its own characteristics and requires a special methodological approach. When deciding on the feasibility of integrating a business, it is first necessary to base on economic calculations. Expanding the possibilities of building and using the system of economic indicators of integration processes is possible in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. Digital business transformation will allow forming new business models, including models of the effectiveness of integration processes in entrepreneurship. Improving the formation of a comprehensive system of indicators will make it possible to give a real assessment of the economic efficiency of integration processes and, consequently, make more accurate and correct management decisions when choosing a business integration option.
интеграция бизнеса,
объединение компаний,
синергический эффект,
стоимость капитала,
business integration,
companies merging,
synergistic effect,
cost of capital,
бизнес интеграциясы,
компаниялар бірлестігі,
синергиялық әсер,
капиталдың құны,
бәсекеге қабілеттілік
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For citations:
Ivanuk T.N.,
Aryshev V.A.
Methodical specifics of analysis of integration in business. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):138-144.
(In Russ.)
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