The publication of the 12th volume edition of the previously unpublished works of Mustafa Shokay, in our opinion, will significantly enrich the history of economic thought in Kazakhstan. In his socio-political activity and analytical researches, he, one of the founders of Alash movement and the leader of the Kazakh opposition to the Soviet government outside the USSR, paid considerable attention to the socio-economic processes that took place in that period in the Soviet Union in general and in Kazakhstan and the republics of Central Asia in particular. The focus of Mustafa Shokay’s research has always been socio-economic problems associated with socio-economic reforms to transfer the economy of the former tsarist empire in connection with the coming to power of the Bolshevik party to power, the socialist rails in the 20-30s. During the period of these transformations in the period in question, the Soviet Union had significant negative consequences, resulted in the deaths of millions of people and a significant deterioration in the welfare of the majority of the country's population. These problems were particularly acute during the period of collectivization of peasant farms, and especially in Kazakhstan and the Turkestan region. These negative socio-economic processes that served as a pretext for so close attention of the tireless fighter for justice and independence of the Kazakh people and the entire Turkic world. In the presented article numerous scientific and journalistic work of the researcher has been reviewed. In his materials, the author, on the basis of a critical analysis, assesses the process of collectivization at its various stages in the Soviet Union as a whole, in the republics of Central Asia and in Kazakhstan, in particular.