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The sphere of services in the formation of economy of the future: problems and conditions of digitalization


The development of economic systems, through constant transformation, has led to the dominance of the service industries, and the processes of digitalization of production and provision of services only accelerate this process, making their own adjustments. Kazakhstan is not an exception, and the desire of our state to comply with transformational changes is justified by general global trends. This study discusses the problems and prospects of service industries that arise in the digitalization process. Service industries related to the "economy of the future" in terms of digitalization are revealed. By analyzing the statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 2010 to 2017, the dynamics of the service sector and the contribution of education, health care, professional and scientific services, information and communication, transport, logistics and warehousing to them were investigated. Analyzed indicators of the development of communications infrastructure, the Internet and e-commerce. Using the method of graphical interpretation, the dynamics of changes in the volumes of auxiliary transport activities and the number of warehouses were analyzed. The results tell us that it is necessary to stimulate the service industries of education, science, professional activity, health care, transport, logistics, warehousing, infocommunications, e-commerce. The problems of low indicators of the costs of stimulating innovation and R & D in the field of information technology and the provision of computers for the population have also been identified. Thus, it can be said that the formation of the economy of the future is a social task that must be carried out jointly with the activation and stimulation of business processes and human capital, as well as through competent government intervention.

About the Authors

R. T. Dulambayeva
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Zh. Zhunusova
Академия государственного управления Республики Казахстан


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For citations:

Dulambayeva R.T., Zhunusova A.Zh. The sphere of services in the formation of economy of the future: problems and conditions of digitalization. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):202-207. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)