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The theoretical basics of human capital concept


The article analyzes the development of views on the concept of human capital, its place in the development of socio-economic relations, and also considers the basic postulates underlying the modern understanding of this category. The evolution of the scientific views of foreign and domestic economists on the concept of human capital is considered. The increased interest of researchers in the economic category “human capital” is due, on the one hand, to the general pattern of science development, within which the scientific community focuses on the study of human problems, and on the other hand, recognizes that the development of an individual’s creative and professional qualities is a determining factor in competitiveness and sustainable economic growth. It is the concept of human capital that allows us to explore in more detail such key issues as human development, the role of educational services and the system of training human resources in social reproduction. The concept under consideration provides an opportunity to determine the appropriateness of investment investments associated with the formation and location of a workplace depending on the level of promising income streams, since a person is viewed as an effective source of economic growth.

About the Authors

M. S. Omarova
Dean of business, education and law faculty

A. R. Soltangazinov
Dean of business, education and law faculty

Z. K. Smagulova
Dean of business, education and law faculty



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For citations:

Omarova M.S., Soltangazinov A.R., Smagulova Z.K. The theoretical basics of human capital concept. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(2):215-220. (In Russ.)

Views: 399

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)