Innovative activity of Kazakhstan enterprises
Nowadays there is no doubt that orientation of the economy to the raw material does not contribute to the sustainable development of the country. The general technical and technological underdevelopment of enterprises, the lack of an effective link between science and production, and the commodity orientation of exports jeopardize country's economic security. Currently the creation of competitive goods and services in the manufacturing and service industries has become the main vector of the state industrial-innovative policy. However, creating competitive products with a high degree of science-intensive production is practically impossible due to lack of innovations. After all, innovations are an effective method of competition and create new needs, lead to investment inflows and to the entering new markets. Unfortunately, in the innovative activity field, Kazakhstan enterprises substantially chose a “catch-up” strategy, which implies foreign technologies’ imitation, copying products and its mass production. While the innovative development of Kazakhstan's industries involves the formation of new technological systems by creating fundamentally new forms of organizations and mechanisms of interaction of all participants in the innovational process. The transition of the domestic economy to an innovative development path is possible only on the basis of the accelerated technological development of all branches of the real economy sector. It is important to take into account its current state in order to identify the most problematic points and change negative trends.
инновационная активность,
эффективность затрат,
инвестиционные вложения,
экономическая безопасность,
инновационная продукция,
технологическое обновление,
инновациялық белсенділік,
шығындардың тиімділігі,
инвестициялық салымдар,
экономикалық қауіпсіздік,
бәсекеге қабілеттілік,
инновациялық өнімдер,
технологиялық жаңарту,
innovative activity,
cost efficiency,
economic security,
innovative products,
technological renewal
About the Authors
D. M. Turekulova
Казахский университет экономики, финансов и международной торговли
L. K. Mukhambetova
Казахский университет экономики, финансов и международной торговли
N. A. Baizakov
Центр стратегических разработок и устойчивого развития АО «Институт экономических исследований»
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3. Новикова Е. Наука Казахстана: в ожидании прорыва: //
4. Менее 1% от ВВП Казахстана составляет финансирование инноваций: //
5. Предварительные данные за 2017 год: статистический сборник на казахском и русском языках / под ред. Н.С. Айдапкелова. - Астана, 2018.
6. В РК в 2018 году на технологические инновации потратили 856,4 млрд тенге: //
For citations:
Turekulova D.M.,
Mukhambetova L.K.,
Baizakov N.A.
Innovative activity of Kazakhstan enterprises. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):9-14.
(In Russ.)
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