The Issue of Strengthening Anti-Globalist Movement within the Current World Economy
This article is devoted to modern issues of strengthening anti-globalist movement within the globalization processes of the world economic space. There are many approaches to explaining the causes of emerging the anti-globalist movement. It was created to combat the effects and consequences of globalization. Others are associated with other social or political movements - pacifist, environmental, solidarity with ‘Third World’ countries or peoples, left radical, anarchist, communist, etc. Some activists reject the undemocratic and unfair mechanisms of the processes of globalization, and others - capitalism and freedom of trade and etc. However, they all agree on the neoliberal version of capitalism and international economic and financial institutions that are considered to be its bearers such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and etc. The globalization of business always has both positive and negative sides in the context of international influence and impact. Many economists-researchers consider and compare the modern process of globalization with the once-historical process of colonization, finding similar features in both processes. Most antiglobalists consider that the ‘discovery’ of markets and the freedom of movement of capital are not accompanied by the same openness of borders and freedom of movement of people. In this regard, they are fighting against restrictions on immigration and the reception of refugees.
anti-globalist movement,
international business,
world economy,
антиглобалистское движение,
международный бизнес,
мировая экономика,
жаһандануға қарсы қозғалыс,
халықаралық бизнес,
әлемдік экономика
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For citations:
Onyusheva I.V.
The Issue of Strengthening Anti-Globalist Movement within the Current World Economy. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):39-44.
(In Russ.)
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