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The importance of controlling in logistics


The effectiveness of logistics functions and operations required for the transformation of the logistics system through the introduction of controlling techniques and management of logistics risks in order to improve the logistics management of enterprises, reduce logistics costs and improve customer service is an urgent task of modern logistics management. The article considers three important aspects of controlling in logistics systems: the establishment of a certain system of measures (quantitative and qualitative indicators, parameters, scales of communication and preferences), the direct measurement of the results of management decisions, the choice of time intervals for measuring (monitoring) results. When using controlling, a number of quantitative indicators used to reduce the entropy of the system are considered, specific types of data are proposed. To carry out the controlling process, quantitative indicators of logistics cost control are grouped and systematized, the importance of controlling in relation to change management is analyzed and recommendations are given. Based on the analysis of controlling functions, such as the development of methods of inventory management, which is the choice of the method of ordering materials for a certain period, as well as the formation of the rhythm of the order and the corresponding procurement policies, determine the rating of efficiency of functioning of logistic systems and activities of personnel of the logistics enterprise management and controlling results of their decisions are measured, the results of logistics management (the application of quantitative performance criteria of logistics operations and functions).

About the Authors

M. B. Tyshkanbaeva
Университет "Туран"

K. S. Chakeyeva
Университет "Туран"

M. Zh. Konyrbekov
Университет "Туран"

M. A. Imanbekova
Университет "Туран"


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For citations:

Tyshkanbaeva M.B., Chakeyeva K.S., Konyrbekov M.Zh., Imanbekova M.A. The importance of controlling in logistics. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):78-83. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)