Theoretical frameworks for the assessment of economic efficiency of agricultural production
The article is devoted to the issues of efficiency of economic entities, the concept of efficiency of agricultural production and various author's principles of its classification by different types, the opinions of scientists and practitioners with different views on the category of “efficiency”, justifying economic efficiency as a possibility of additional production with minimal costs for resources. Examples are given by types of efficiency, such as production and technological efficiency, production and economic efficiency, social and economic efficiency, ecological and economic efficiency of agricultural production. Classification of indicators of efficiency of production in relation to various forms of management is offered. All factors that affect or can have a certain impact on the level of efficiency of production activities of agricultural organizations combined into groups of factors such as technical, technological, social, organizational, economic, natural. The justification that every form of economy (households, farmer economy) can be characterized by the indicators of its efficiency is given. It was noted that these indicators can be used to assess the activities of agricultural organizations of different organizational and legal forms. The factors influencing efficiency of production activity of the agricultural organizations and classification of indicators of efficiency of production of various forms of managing in the form of the scheme are visually shown. The main directions of improvement of the organizational mechanism aimed at stabilizing the growth of efficiency of agricultural organizations are listed.
ауыл шаруашылығы,
тиімділік түрлері,
шаруашылық нысандары,
қызметті бағалау,
сельское хозяйство,
виды эффективности,
формы хозяйствования,
оценка деятельности,
types of efficiency,
organizational forms,
assessment of performance,
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For citations:
Shinet G.G.,
Bugubayeva R.O.,
Bespayeva R.S.,
Abdikarimova A.T.
Theoretical frameworks for the assessment of economic efficiency of agricultural production. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):106-112.
(In Russ.)
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