The analysis of production stability of the agrarian sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This article reflects the substantive elements of the sustainability process for agricultural organizations. The need for economic, social and environmental components in the sustainability of the development of the industry is indicated. The systematization of the stability factors of agricultural production was carried out, which allows them to be combined around interrelated features that combine the natural and economic conditions of management, and the nature of their impact on the development of agriculture is revealed. The basic statistical data on the development of the country's agricultural sector for 2018 are analyzed. The relative and absolute changes in gross yield are calculated. The influence of crop yield factors, the size of the sown area, and the structure of crops is estimated. The article simulates the sustainability of crop production in the Republic of Kazakhstan. For this, the classical apparatus of mathematical statistics and relationships are used, allowing numerical estimates of the stability of production. Based on data on grain yields in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014-2018 for each crop, mean values, standard deviations, coefficients of variation and stability are calculated. It was established that the most sustainable for production is corn, and the riskiest is the production of millet. Further directions of economic transformations in the agricultural sector of the country are indicated. The ways of achieving the sustainability of agricultural production of the Republic of Kazakhstan are substantiated.
аграрная сфера,
зерновые культуры,
валовой сбор,
органическое сельское хозяйство,
agricultural sector,
gross harvest,
organic agriculture,
аграрлық сала,
дәнді дақыл,
жалпы түсім,
органикалық ауыл шаруашылығы,
бәсекеге қабілеттілік
About the Author
R. N. Zhangirova
Казахский национальный аграрный университет
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For citations:
Zhangirova R.N.
The analysis of production stability of the agrarian sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):113-117.
(In Russ.)
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