
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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The state of employment in agricultural sector of Kazakhstan economy


The article is devoted to one of the topical topics of employment in the agricultural sector of the economy of our country. Measures taken by the state to solve problems in the development of social and labour relations in the country have been considered. The results of development of the agricultural sector of the economy are presented. A detailed analysis of the availability of the rural labour market by the main characteristics has been carried out. Studies have shown that the state of agricultural resources does not satisfy both on quantity and quality. The analysis revealed a significant excess of supply over demand for labour. In addition, the shortage of personnel in the management and middle link of agricultural enterprises is justified. The main reasons contributing to the outflow of young personnel from the village are considered. Measures to reduce youth unemployment in rural areas have been proposed. The study revealed that the main reasons for the situation in the rural labour market are the lack of a scientifically sound forecast of the need of agriculture for professional personnel for the medium and long term. The state and employers should pay more attention to the employment of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. The above-mentioned measures to increase the availability of quality labour resources will increase the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector of the economy.

About the Authors

M. K. Kamysbayev
Международный университет информационных технологий

L. A. Omarbakiyev
Университет «Туран»

A. K. Nizamdinova
Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби


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For citations:

Kamysbayev M.K., Omarbakiyev L.A., Nizamdinova A.K. The state of employment in agricultural sector of Kazakhstan economy. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):118-123. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)