
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Modern tools for commercialization of capital-intensive scientific developments


The article considers the set of factors influencing the innovative development of the country in the light of commercialization of scientific developments. The economy of any country depends entirely on the level of innovative development, the quality of scientific developments and the degree of their implementation in the production process. Research and development are the integral element, which yields a new phase in economic development. The basis of the commercialization process is the regulatory framework, which is sufficiently developed in Kazakhstan. In addition, at each stage of the country's development, a strategic program was developed aimed at innovative development of production, with specific steps and tools to support such projects from business. There is the National agency for technological development (NATD) under the Ministry of investment and development of Kazakhstan. NATD activities are aimed at the practical implementation of the commercialization process - creating incentives for existing technology parks, business incubators, technology commercialization centers at universities and research centers, and collecting information about successful projects. The article considers commercialization as a process of introducing scientific developments to the mass market. Among the modern tools of commercialization of scientific developments, the authors considered such forms as technological proposal, licensing, franchising, development of startups and business incubators. The main advantages and disadvantages of each tool are analyzed. Also, foreign experience of commercialization of scientific developments in leading research centers and universities is presented. The arguments for the use of such experience in domestic universities in order to combine the efforts of the state, education and business are presented.

About the Authors

G. Zh. Tayauova
Университет «Туран»

G. K. Nietalina
Университет «Туран»


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For citations:

Tayauova G.Zh., Nietalina G.K. Modern tools for commercialization of capital-intensive scientific developments. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):155-162. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)