Features of conducting post-customs control of export operations
Foreign trade activities are based on commodity-money relations, which ambiguously affect the state economy. In this regard, financial control is carried out by state bodies in order to ensure economic security and the development of the same state. Solving issues related to post-customs control of export operations and their analysis will help to identify new approaches to theoretical and applied research in the field of customs audit, which, in turn, is of great economic importance. The foreign economic policy of Kazakhstan is associated with the integration of the global economy, an active entry into international trade relations. Among the negative aspects and factors, ill-conceived reforms and forced liberalization of the regime of the foreign economic sphere can be noted, since foreign economic crime has entered the open spaces of the world “black” market, and with its participation large international criminal groups have been created that can cause destruction of the economies of different countries and states with their illegal activities ; instability of financial and banking systems; unfavorable climate in terms of investing funds and poor security of capital, creating the conditions for their export abroad. Having studied the scientific literature and regulatory sources, the authors came to the conclusion that in modern conditions there is no unity in the formulation of certain types of financial and customs control. Such a situation entails inaccuracies and deficiencies in the legislation, which will be exploited by unscrupulous entities participating in foreign economic activity.
таможенный аудит,
посттаможенный контроль,
таможенный риск,
внешнеторговая деятельность,
кедендік аудит,
кеденнен кейінгі бақылау,
кедендік тәуекел,
сыртқы сауда қызметі,
customs audit,
post-customs control,
customs risk,
foreign trade activities,
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For citations:
Yerzhanov M.S.,
Berezyuk V.I.,
Yerzhanova A.M.
Features of conducting post-customs control of export operations. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):168-172.
(In Russ.)
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