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Brand personality of tourism destination


Today one of the strategic tools in the brand management of tourism destinations is the concept of “brand personality”. Having proved its efficiency in branding products, the “brand personality” has become the strategy of the world's leading tourism destinations in attracting and retaining tourists and gaining a strong position in the minds of consumers against existing competitors. It is the “brand personality” that remains the best tool for establishing emotional relationships with the consumer and provides an opportunity for self-expression. The definitions of “brand personality” are disclosed in the framework of branding of goods and tourism destinations. In this article, the author presents the scientific approaches and views of leading scientists on the process of personification of tourism destinations, namely, the aspect of revitalizing the brand, giving it a specific personality and tourist perception of the brand as a full-fledged and real person. In this regard, two scientific theories are considered: animism and anthropomorphism. Animism describes the process of personification of a destination through the spirit of the past or present and the transfer of the human qualities of emotionality, thinking and will to the brand. At the same time, anthropomorphism examines this issue much more broadly and makes a significant contribution to the study of the psychological mechanisms of brand anthropomorphization that affect the degree of perception of brands as people.

About the Author

A. A. Kairova
Университет «Туран»


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For citations:

Kairova A.A. Brand personality of tourism destination. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):180-185. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)