Ecosystem of innovation: concept and characteristics
This article discusses the concepts of the innovation ecosystem given by various organizations and authors. The basic elements of innovation ecosystems and their relationships at various stages of the innovation life cycle are highlighted. The main features and characteristics inherent in the innovation ecosystem are identified. Various approaches to structuring the innovation ecosystem are considered, as well as determining factors for success and signs of the efficiency of the innovation ecosystem. The article reveals the possibilities of the economy that become available as a result of the development of an innovative ecosystem. The role of universities in the formation and development of the innovation ecosystem is touched and a systematic approach to the innovation ecosystem is shown. Thus, summing up, it can be noted that the problem of the development and effective functioning of the innovation ecosystem is fundamentally multifaceted and should be addressed comprehensively, using all available potential, both in terms of business structures, including educational institutions, and state and quasi-state organizations. Particular attention is paid to the study of innovative ecosystems as integral entities that influence the development of socio-economic conditions of the country. It is concluded that the nature of the innovation ecosystem is diverse and the need to use an integrated approach to solving the problem of developing an innovative ecosystem.
innovation ecosystem,
knowledge economy,
innovation culture,
ecosystem features,
research methods,
integrated approach,
инновациялық экожүйе,
білім экономикасы,
инновациялық мәдениет,
экожүйе белгілері,
зерттеу әдістері,
интегралды тәсіл,
инновационная экосистема,
экономика знаний,
культура инноваций,
признаки экосистемы,
методы исследования,
комплексный подход
About the Authors
N. A. Ainakul
Turan University
S. K. Nurymova
Institute of Economics, Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Ainakul N.A.,
Nurymova S.K.
Ecosystem of innovation: concept and characteristics. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):207-210.
(In Russ.)
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