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Evaluation of the competitiveness of the region in view of the human factor in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The different level of socio-economic development of regions depends on different factors (geographical, climatic, demographic, etc.). In economic science, the problem of analyzing the factors affecting the crisis of individual territories and searching instruments to improve their competitiveness in the national and international markets is relevant. The issues of evaluating the competitiveness of regions, the search for competitive advantages of territories, especially by improving the quality of human resources, remain insufficiently studied. In this regard, in the article the existing models for evaluating regional competitiveness in view of the human factor in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan are presented. In addition, in the article the authors carried out the classification of regions according to the analysis of the main socio-economic indicators of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, originating in the concept of regional policy. The authors also calculated the main indicators of competitiveness of regions of Kazakhstan according to the National chamber of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan with the aim of determining the level of human resources development in the region and the competitiveness of the region in a comparative perspective, which allowed to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the regions, the competitive advantages of each territorial unit and the zone of possible growth and development.

About the Authors

G. S. Dyussembekova
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University

D. S. Bekniyazova
Innovative University of Eurasia

Zh. B. Kenzhin
Baltic International Academy


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For citations:

Dyussembekova G.S., Bekniyazova D.S., Kenzhin Zh.B. Evaluation of the competitiveness of the region in view of the human factor in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):218-223. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)