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Corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial behavior: the role of organizational interaction


The concept of corporate entrepreneurship is defined as a necessary component of organizational culture to enhance value creation. Corporate entrepreneurship is a set of strategies used by an established firm to promote its growth and development. This article examines and presents well-known models describing the prerequisites and significance of a corporate entrepreneurship. In particular, the author tried to link a corporate entrepreneurship with organizational indicators. Within the framework of the critical assessment, the article also reviewed the possibility of organizational participation in the regulation of these relations. The article presents a conceptual model for scientists who are passionate about the study of corporate entrepreneurship and its relations with organizational indicators. The author highlights the term “entrepreneurial behavior”, which refers to both individuals and businesses, and that entrepreneurial behavior can be easily visualized and identified in the business environment. The article emphasizes that, in order to develop an entrepreneurial environment, business requires the practice of entrepreneurial behavior and processes, therefore, a more complete understanding of entrepreneurial behavior is required. This article attempts to outline how enterprises can potentially contribute to organizational efficiency through corporate entrepreneurship and what role organization can play in this regard.

About the Author

B. K. Tundikbayeva
НАО «Университет КИМЭП»


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For citations:

Tundikbayeva B.K. Corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial behavior: the role of organizational interaction. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):224-228. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)