The assessment of prerequisites for renewable energy development in Kazakhstan
Within the framework of the conducted factor analysis, the main trends and patterns of development of the renewable energy sector have been established. The impact of policy factors, such as energy security, associated with instability and risk in a hydrocarbon import-dependent environment, was emphasized; uneven regional energy supply, determined by the shortage of energy resources in certain regions of the country; primary energy exhaustion factor (coal, oil and gas). The impact of global-environmental factors is due to the harmful effects of hydrocarbon energy waste on public health, the biosphere and environmental balance in a global and local scales. The dynamics of the amount of emissions into the atmosphere of harmful substances has a steady trend and remains a relevant aspect. The resource availability of renewable energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a potential for the development of renewable energy, in particular, for the creation of wind and solar installations. Significant economic factors for the development of renewable energy sources are the factors of high energy intensity of industrial sector enterprises and the growth of the country 's energy consumption; a factor of volatility of world prices for resources, significant economic losses of Kazakhstan from the usage of primary energy resources. The influence of social factors, on the one hand, reflects the deterioration of the quality of life of the population, on the other hand - the social importance of renewable energy sources for creating new jobs and ensuring high standards of quality of life for the population. On the basis of the assessment of factors, promising directions of renewable energy development were determined and advantages of its usage in Kazakhstan were revealed.
возобновляемая энергетика,
факторы развития,
renewable power,
energy resources,
factors of development,
energy balance,
жаңартылған энергетика,
энергия ресурстары,
даму факторы,
энергия теңгерімі
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For citations:
Zhunussova G.Zh.,
Nurmukhanova G.Zh.
The assessment of prerequisites for renewable energy development in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):235-241.
(In Russ.)
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