The review of the current state of combating money laundering and terrorist financing in Kazakhstan
Every year the requirements of the legislation to the subjects of financial monitoring are tightened, the requirements for improper execution of requirements for combating money laundering and terrorist financing are increased, sanctions for late detection of suspicious and unreliable transactions are strengthened. Organizations face not only significant reputational losses, but also the risks of paying high fines, suspension of activities and even deprivation of the license. That is why it is extremely important to develop and implement high-tech systems for combating money laundering and terrorist financing (AML-systems) that meet all the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, modern technological trends and the requirements of the digital economy. In this article operating on the market of Kazakhstan the Anti-Money Laundering system was examined, the requirements of Anti-Money Laundering, Combating the Financing of Terrorism. Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Оn combating legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained in a criminal way, and terrorism financing» were analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, a list of recommendations to the legislation and recommendations for the creation of the necessary AML-system was developed.
отмывание доходов,
взаимное оценивание,
финансовый мониторинг,
платежные системы,
финансовые потоки,
риск-ориентированный контроль,
money laundering,
mutual assessment,
financial monitoring,
payment systems,
financial flows,
risk-oriented control,
ақшаны жылыстату,
өзара бағалау,
қаржылық мониторинг,
төлем жүйелері,
қаржы ағындары,
тәуекелдерге негізделген бақылау
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2. Соглашение о Евразийской группе по противойдествию легализации преступных доходов и финансированию терроризма. - 2011. - Июнь: сайт Евразийской группы по противодействию легализации преступных доходов и финансированию терроризма: // https://eurasiangrоup.оrg/ru/general-infоrmatiоn.
3. Отчет о взаимной оценке по противодействию отмыванию денег и финансированию терроризма. - 2011. - Июнь: сайт Комитета по финансовому мониторингу: // https://kfm.gооry-framewоrk/is-the-current-legislatiоn/.
For citations:
Abdukarimova K.Ye.,
Aubakirov S.S.
The review of the current state of combating money laundering and terrorist financing in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):257-260.
(In Russ.)
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