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Formation and development of educational services on the marketing principles


The article considers education in the form of a socio-economic category as the sum of skills and competences acquired by a person and as a system of social relations for the exchange of knowledge, abilities, skills and information. The goal of educational marketing in developed countries is to maximize the impact of the educational process and bring individual interests together with collective ones to harmony, and in accordance with a broader definition of education, this involves a process that develops a person’s abilities, ideas and behavior. Thus objectively necessary is intervention from state influence on forming and development of educational services on principles of marketing. The problems raised in the article are relevant, since the modern educational process aimed at achieving results should make a number of changes to ensure the transition from mass education, which is characteristic of the industrial economy, to innovative education and a socially-oriented economy, individualizing educational services for everyone. This will certainly push science to improve the educational services that characterize global and domestic fundamental science. All this will lead to the formation of a creative and socially responsible person. In the course of the study, the main emphasis is placed on strategies to improve the educational system as a scientific, theoretical, methodological document, the main vectors of the direction of development of our state in the educational arena as an important component of the country's foundation and the strengthening of state independence.

About the Authors

D. I. Razakova
Turan University

B. M. Bekkulieva
Turan University

A. A. Istaeva
Narxoz University


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For citations:

Razakova D.I., Bekkulieva B.M., Istaeva A.A. Formation and development of educational services on the marketing principles. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):278-283. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)