
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Formation of corporate culture of innovative-enterpreneurial university


The article considers the formation of corporate culture, innovative and entrepreneurial activities of universities in Kazakhstan.The authors noted the relevance and importance of creating a corporate culture - values and beliefs that are consonant with the mission and development strategy of an innovative and entrepreneurial type of university, as well as identified types, media and elements of a university's corporate culture.The analysis of the corporate culture of the university in the conditions of transformation into an innovative and entrepreneurial university is carried out. Elements of corporate culture are proposed in relation to an innovation-entrepreneurial type university and the development of corporate culture recommendations at an innovation-entrepreneurial type university that explain the main characteristics of the university, while forming its holistic image, which is necessary for an accurate assessment in the situation of making a managerial decision. Recommendations on the formation of the corporate culture of a university of innovative and entrepreneurial type have been developed.The authors believe that an effective corporate culture of a university has a positive effect on the competitiveness of an innovative and entrepreneurial university, which is manifested in the formation of a positive reputation and attractive image of the university and its graduates among business partners and the public. The formation of the corporate culture of the university in the direction of the growth of innovative susceptibility and activity of teachers and employees allows us to ensure the correspondence and balance of the strategic objectives of the university and the trends of innovative development in higher education and the community. Corporate culture helps to increase the creative activity of employees, stimulating the growth of proposals to improve processes and other organizational changes related to improving management efficiency and efficiency.

About the Authors

A. . Ilyas
Университет "Туран"

D. M. Dadabayeva
Университет "Туран"

S. N. Izeev
Университет "Туран"


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For citations:

Ilyas A., Dadabayeva D.M., Izeev S.N. Formation of corporate culture of innovative-enterpreneurial university. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(4):284-288. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)