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Regional management: foreign experience


Regional management is currently considered as a combination of administrative, economic, political impacts on economic, social, demographic, resource-economic and other processes taking place in the region with the aim of ensuring a sustainable and balanced development of the region and the improvement of the life quality of the population today and in perspective. The diversity of regional economic systems forms the basis of the mechanism for identifying and disseminating the positive experience of the national economy management. This aspect determines the relevance of the study. The article discusses the patterns and features of the regional governance on the basis of the socio-economic development of two polar states in order to illustrate the national interests of each country. The problems of the socio-economic development are shown from the position of systematic approach principles and methods. The main goals of the regional management are also formulated, along with the ways of smoothing the levels of the socio-economic development of regions by overcoming existing interregional imbalances. As a part of the study of the patterns and features of China’s regional management the institutional approaches of the regional policy have been indicated taking into account the ranking of territories and the directive planning of the national economy. Organizational and economic mechanisms focused on the improvement of the human resources potential have been studied on the base of the German model of regional policy. Based on the results of the study, relevant conclusions were made.

About the Authors

D. A. Aibossynova
Research Center “A.D.A” (Nur-Sultan)

K. A. Kirdasinova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

L. M. Mutalieva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


1. Regional Economics: textbook / Ed. V.I. Vidyapina, M.V. Stepanova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. 666 p.

2. Popov R.A. Regional Management. - Krasnodar: Sov. Kuban, 2000. 384 p.

3. Economic development of China. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

4. Popovich N.A. Chinese management as a way to manage companies / N.A. Popovich // Bulletin of the Omsk University: Series Economics. 2008. No. 3. P. 68-69.

5. Regional politischer Bericht der Bund-Länder-Gemeinschaftsaufgabe.,Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur“. 2016.


For citations:

Aibossynova D.A., Kirdasinova K.A., Mutalieva L.M. Regional management: foreign experience. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(3):16-20. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)