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Improving the structure of public administration in the conditions of growing globalization and integration trends


The article is devoted to the issue of increasing the efficiency of public administration, improving the entire system of public administration while strengthening globalization and integration processes in the world. The authors believe that decisions taken at the supranational level often stimulate the implementation of policies that run counter to the interests of national electorates. This causes a certain lack of understanding by the country's citizens of the actions of political elites and quite a lot of criticism regarding the popularization of globalization processes. In addition, globalization can create a situation that is not fully understood, rather unclear and uncertain for political elites, so it is important to increase the role of national elites at the supranational level. In our opinion, the growth trend of globalization processes is accompanied by a decrease in the ability of political elites to control their national economies, as well as other spheres such as politics and culture. The need for a preliminary thorough study of issues naturally leads to the intensification of contacts between national elites. Numerous summits and meetings at the ministerial level, forums of regional associations and conferences of non-governmental organizations stimulate the formation of interdependent elites. This is how a transnational elite, clearly aware of its autonomy, is formed and is weakly accountable to the national electorates. The authors show that decisions taken at the supranational level often stimulate the implementation of policies that contradict the interests of national electorates. In the context of globalization, the power of the political elite increases at the supranational level and decreases at the national level.

About the Authors

A. A. Aubakirova
Narxoz University

N. A. Abueva
Turan University

U. A. Abuev
University of International Business


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For citations:

Aubakirova A.A., Abueva N.A., Abuev U.A. Improving the structure of public administration in the conditions of growing globalization and integration trends. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(3):21-29. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)