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The influence of human resource management practices on job satisfaction


Organizations that want to improve their performance should focus on the satisfaction of their employees, because employees who are satisfied with their work are the largest asset in the organization, while unsatisfied employees are its biggest problems and obligations. Much attention should be paid to the problem of measuring employee satisfaction in an organization, since this circumstance clearly describes the current situation of the organization. Understanding how satisfied employees are with the job contains useful information to predict their future behavior and make the right managerial decisions. Human resource management can overcome many challenges by offering various methods that increase employee satisfaction. These methods will help the organization work better. It is imperative that organizations maximize the impact of supportive human resource management practices. The article presents the results of a study aimed at studying human resource management practices affecting employee satisfaction. The study was conducted by an online survey among employees of educational institutions of the city of Almaty. The results revealed practices that significantly affect employee satisfaction, in particular: training and development; awareness raising; democratic approach and fair distribution of power, the provision of authority; providing employment security; stimulation of self-realization and career advancement; initiative management. The socio-demographic factors affecting employee satisfaction were also identified. Indicators such as gender and income showed a high level of statistical significance.

About the Author

G. O. Mazhiyeva
Narxoz University


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For citations:

Mazhiyeva G.O. The influence of human resource management practices on job satisfaction. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(3):217-222. (In Russ.)

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