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Modern approaches to the development of an effective human resources policy in the organization


Labor resources are currently the main potential of the subject of a market economy. Maintaining by the subject its market niche undoubtedly implies the need for a strategic approach to the personnel management system and, as a result, the formation and implementation of a balanced personnel policy of the enterprise. The development and application of innovative technologies of strategic management in the field of personnel management are priority success criteria for any organization. For the implementation of corporate goals and the formation of the necessary conditions for decision-making that would satisfy both the organization and personnel, personnel policy is an important element of management. It is an indicator of how feasible the general strategy of the organization is and an indicator of what needs to be adjusted in working with staff. Currently, the process of developing an effective personnel policy is able to become an impetus for the formation and achievement of the organization's strategic goals, which are focused on the future, allowing to predict and minimize risks in all areas of its activities. The high importance and status of the organization’s employees, as well as its uniqueness, are undoubtedly confirmed by the personnel policy. Personnel policy was created to merge the efforts of all personnel of the enterprise to solve the tasks. In the aspect of the modern innovative economy, the personnel policy should coincide with the concept of enterprise development and be considered as an important strategy for effective personnel management.

About the Author

A. T. Sissenova
Университет «Туран»


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For citations:

Sissenova A.T. Modern approaches to the development of an effective human resources policy in the organization. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):60-63. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)