Methodological foundations of the theory of strategic planning
Methodological strategic planning in the modern world has been reviewed in the article, an attempt to generalize the gathered materal particularly on theoretical aspects of strategic planning for the production of market economics was made. The article substantiates the stages of plan development, as well as the principles of strategic planning. Principles of planning as objective scientific categories serve as a starting basis for the construction of appropriate models. The following stages of the complex of works on the development and implementation of the enterprise development strategy are identified: analysis of the investment attractiveness of the industry; development of a scenario forecast for the development of the industry; a forecast of changes in the supply and demand situation on the domestic and foreign markets, as well as an analysis of the company’s competitive position in the industry (business strength); financial assessment of strategic alternatives; formation of the image of the future enterprise; development of strategic goals and objectives, a set of works on the implementation of the strategy. None of the models focuses much attention on how to implement the recommended strategies. Favorable conditions do not arise by themselves, but largely depend on the creative efforts of the firm to identify new market segments and use the available opportunities. The competitiveness of the company can be improved by introducing various innovations and developing its capabilities to meet new challenges.
strategic planning,
strategic management,
long-term development,
investment attractiveness,
portfolio models,
стратегическое планирование,
стратегический менеджмент,
долгосрочное развитие,
инвестиционная привлекательность,
портфельные модели,
стратегиялық жоспарлау,
стратегиялық менеджмент,
ұзақ мерзімді дамыту,
бәсекеге қабілеттілік,
инвестициялық тартымдылық,
портфельдік модельдер
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For citations:
Demesinov T.Z.,
Konuspaev R.K.,
Oralbaeva Zh.Z.,
Taipov T.A.
Methodological foundations of the theory of strategic planning. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):9-13.
(In Russ.)
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