Main purpose and sequence of labor resource turnover analysis
The present article shows main directions of labor resource analysis, especially the analysis of staff turnover. Labor resource analysis allows to make sure in accordance between enterprise personnel management and development strategies, as well as accordance between regulations of social and labor relations laws, rules, regulations and procedures that define this activity. Based on the results of this analysis, direction of changes or improvement of standards can be defined. An analysis of labor indicators in general and the analysis of the labor force in particular contribute to reshuffle that improves qualitative composition of the labor force, to promotion of the most promising employees and to the development of creative activity. Staff turnover is a difference between left workers and workers who came to the organization. Staff turnover can be costly to both workers and employers. Staff turnover costs include increasing social security costs, unemployment benefits, severance pay, equipment downtime, costs of recruitment and selection of staff. High staff leakage rates could destabilize the business and reduce motivation of those who are trying to maintain a level of service and product quality on the background of vacant posts, inexperience of new employees and the general dissatisfaction. Thus, the analysis of turnover as an integral part of human resource management requires detailed information on the length of service of retiring employees in order to identify problem areas and provide the basis for projections on the proposal.
трудовые показатели,
движение рабочей силы,
текучесть кадров,
затраты труда,
обороты по приему,
обороты по выбытию,
еңбек көрсеткіштері,
жұмыс күшінің қозғалысы,
кадрлер ағымы,
еңбек шығындары,
қабылдау айналымы,
босатылу айналымы,
labor indicators,
labor movement,
employee turnover,
labor costs,
recruitment turnover,
retirement turnover
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For citations:
Barysheva S.K.
Main purpose and sequence of labor resource turnover analysis. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):109-113.
(In Russ.)
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