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Theoretical aspects of the economic value of outsourcing


Use of outsourcing is considered as a global tendency in business during long period. It can be called as a productive approach for business model enhancement, within that is optimization of business processes, and as a tool for improving of production efficiency. Moreover, in the case of need for further development in commercial activities, outsourcing is considered as the best way not only for productivity improvement but for crisis management implementation. In today’s world, outsourcing is one of the most attractive and beneficial methods of doing business. So, it is very important to understand meaning and essence of outsourcing for its fruitful use in enterprise activities. Nowadays the necessity of outsourcing use is widely discussed by economists and managers. It is paid attention on the fact that outsourcing is being actively implemented in foreign companies from absolutely distinctive spheres of business. As a result many scientists have been widely involved in investigation of outsourcing aspects. At the present time outsourcing is being actively implemented. There was examined economic essence, practical importance in the article and a theoretical fundament of the problem on the basis of Russian and Western scientists approach. Theoretical material, definition, terms, and scientific approach of articles from 1985 to 2014 were used in the article.

About the Authors

F. M. Kulembaeva
«Нархоз» университеті

A. M. Seitkazieva
«Нархоз» университеті


1. Аалдерс, Р. IT-аутсорсинг: тәжірибеде пайдалануға нұсқаулық.

2. Филина Ф.Н. Аутсорсинг бизнес-процессов. Проблемы и решения [RTF]:

3. Slack N., Lewis M. (2008). Operations Strategy, 2 nd Edition, Harlow, Prentice Hall.

4. Kremic T., Tukel O.I., & Rom W.O. (2006). Outsourcing decision support: a survey of benefits, risks, and decision factors. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11(6), 467-482:

5. Вайнштейн В. Российский аутсорсинг в зеркале мирового опыта:


For citations:

Kulembaeva F.M., Seitkazieva A.M. Theoretical aspects of the economic value of outsourcing. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):210-214. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)