Assessment of import substitution and modern status of dairy products in the market of Kazakhstan
Providing the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan with dairy products is the main task of the dairy subcomplex. The existing potential and experience in the development of the industry not only make it possible to meet the needs of the population within the republic, but also contribute to the implementation of export-oriented production.The production of milk and dairy products is the second largest sector in the livestock sector. The study of the current state and directions of the development of the dairy industry, the industrial processing of milk and the sale of final products, contributes to the justification and development of recommendations on the adaptation of dairy industry organizations to the market conditions of management and the saturation of the domestic and foreign markets with dairy products. The import substitution of the food industry in Kazakhstan is one of the priorities for the state. Import substitution is a special type of economic strategy and industrial policy of the state. Since the import substitution is in the industrial sector it is aimed at protecting the domestic producer and providing the country’s population with all the necessary consumer goods, food and agricultural raw materials by replacing imported goods with goods of national production. This article describes the current state of the butter market in Kazakhstan. Namely, the analysis of the production of butter, the main producers of the butter market, as well as the analysis of imports of dairy products were carried out.
сүт өнеркәсібі,
сары май,
сүт өнімдері,
қайта өндеу,
импорт алмастыру,
молочная промышленность,
сливочное масло,
молочная продукция,
dairy product industry,
dairy products,
import substitution
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For citations:
Rasulova A.M.
Assessment of import substitution and modern status of dairy products in the market of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):231-235.
(In Russ.)
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