Complex approach for state anti-crisis management in a down economy
budget execution in the list of criteria for assessing the quality of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In addition, the article investigates the negative consequences of VAT increase, the abolition of indexation of a working retired person’s pension, the establishment of market relations in the housing and communal services, realistic budget policy. The article pays particular attention to bankruptcy institution in Russia and its negative consequences, the need to increase the level of research and development commercialization in universities.
About the Authors
A. N. RyakhovskayaRussian Federation
Professor of Management Department, Leader of Scientific School “Anti-crisis Management” of Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, President of Institute of Economics and Anti-crisis Management, Chairman of Anti-crisis Management and Distressed Credit Subcommittee of Committee on Business Security of Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Russian Federation, Member of Russia’s Federal Property Management Agency Council, d.e.s., professor
D. I. Ryakhovskiy
Russian Federation
d.e.s., head of “Taxes and Tax Management” Department of Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Rector of Institute of Economics and Anti-crisis Management, Professor of Department “Anti-crisis Management and Finance”, Professor of Department “Taxes and Tax Management” of Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Practicing Tax Consultant
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For citations:
Ryakhovskaya A.N., Ryakhovskiy D.I. Complex approach for state anti-crisis management in a down economy. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):19-26. (In Russ.)