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Systemic imperatives of the integration of education, science and business


According to international experience, the coordinated activities of higher education institutions, science, including new innovative structures (such as technology parks, foresight centers, expert and futuristic communities) and business should be main resource for the formation of effective innovation-driven economy. The focus of integration of education, science and business is on an innovative-entrepreneurial university that contributes to the strengthening and optimization of education and market. The attitude towards the main productive force that is towards an individual of highly intellectual and highly productive labor is changing.The role of specialists of the new format in innovation-driven economy is significant and will constantly grow. The main growth vectors should be intensity of innovations, leading education (with focus on technological progress and innovations), student-centeredness and strategic partnership. Innovative modernization can affect not only the qualitative transformations of socio-economic development, but also destabilize the balance of the economy and contribute to the manifestation of instability. This requires strengthening the interaction between education, science and entrepreneurship through synergy. The mechanism for the formation of an innovative model for the development of higher education should represent relations and institutions that guarantee the transformation of knowledge into new technologies, form a favorable competitive economic environment that provides innovative activity and the development of a fundamentally new innovative production. A problem in the educational activities of universities is the need for the earliest possible development of new areas of broad training of specialists in the field of management of innovative processes and commercialization of technologies, coupled with an insufficient level of real opportunities and incentives.

About the Authors

G. Zh. Nurmukhanova
Turan University
d.e.s., professor

D. K. Nurtayeva
Turan University
senior lecturer


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For citations:

Nurmukhanova G.Zh., Nurtayeva D.K. Systemic imperatives of the integration of education, science and business. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):27-33. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)