Models and tools for industrial policy in high-income countries
1. Presnjakova E.V. Modeli i instrumenty promyshlennoj politiki v stranah mira s vysokim urovnem dohoda // Strategija razvitija jekonomiki Belarusi: vyzovy, instrumenty realizacii i perspektivy: sbornik nauchnyh statej v 2-h tomah // Nacional'naja akademija nauk Belarusi. – Minsk: Pravo i jekonomika, 2019. – 634 s.
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3. Keun L. Industrial Policies for Upper-Middle-Income Countries. – Geneva: International Centre for Trade and sustainable Development (ICTSD) and World Economic Forum, 2015. – 12 p.
For citations:
Izmakhanova A.K. Models and tools for industrial policy in high-income countries. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):46-51. (In Kazakh)