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Evaluating the efficience of social and economic developement of regions


The article analyzes the socio-economic development of the country, identifies the main trends in the regional development of the economy, conducts an analysis, identifies the main problems of forming a modern effective structure of industrial production in the country, as well as the rating of regional development, and elaborates recommendations. The article proposes an integrated approach to regional development, the development of interregional ties, the development of investment projects, the financial provision of problem areas, specific measures to improve interbudgetary relations, reduce and prolong inconsistencies in the regional development of the country, and integrated development. will contribute to the formation of a rational and fair regional proportion. The theoretical and methodological foundations of socio-economic development and the ways of its improvement, formation of a system of state regulation of the economic development of regions, the use of a regulatory mechanism in accordance with the requirements of objective economic legislation, the level of efficiency of territorial administration and analysis of regional development ratings are considered. Its importance increases if to take into account the modernization and decentralization of management, as well as the complexity of socio-economic processes and relationships between business entities and regulators. The forms of state regulation of the socio-economic development of regions represent an integral system of these methods, through which the state influences the economy.

About the Authors

M. Zh. Nurkenova
L.N. Gumilyev Eurasian State University

M. Zh. Konyrbekov
Turan University
PhD, associate professor

M. K. Zhamkeyeva
Center for Research, Analysis and Reporting LLP
PhD, chief expert


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For citations:

Nurkenova M.Zh., Konyrbekov M.Zh., Zhamkeyeva M.K. Evaluating the efficience of social and economic developement of regions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):68-75. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)