
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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On the increasing role of key factors in the formation of the region’s intellectual potential


This scientific article examines the state and potential of key factors in the formation of the intellectual potential of the Mangystau region. Based on the development of factorial economic and mathematical models, the analysis of the impact of personnel training in the systems of vocational and higher education is carried out. It is shown that personnel training is not fully focused on the needs of the innovative economy. At the same time, it is concluded that higher education has a smaller impact on labor productivity than vocational education. And this complicatesthe restructuring of the regional management system in the direction of active use of innovative management tools. The author's view on the formation of the region's innovation system based on the integration of research institutionsand universities into a single scientific and educational complex is also presented here. In our research, the authors develop and in some publications reflect the theoretical and methodological issues of improving the efficiency of the regional economy in modern conditions of urgency of industrial and innovative development.The systematic research approach required from a scientific point of view presupposes a vision of these issues in a chain of relationships: “economic growth – consistent diversification of production – technological innovations-regional innovation systeminnovation-oriented management – management innovations-innovation capital-intellectual capital – intellectual potential-factors of formation of intellectual potential”. On the basis of such a scientific and educational complex, as a wider range of factors is involved, the intellectual potential of the region will be formed.

About the Authors

G. B. Bermukhamedova
Non-commercial joint-stock company “S. Yessenov Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering”, Aktau
c.e.s., associate professor

G. M. Kadyrova
Non-commercial joint-stock company “S. Yessenov Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering”, Aktau
c.e.s., associate professor


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For citations:

Bermukhamedova G.B., Kadyrova G.M. On the increasing role of key factors in the formation of the region’s intellectual potential. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):81-88. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)