The essence of the staff strategy of a modern organization
At present, the problems of systematic development and improvement of the company's personnel management system based on its strategic and innovative focus in conditions of uncertainty are urgent. In modern conditions, a thoughtful approach to personnel management is extremely important; it is necessary to implement a balanced personnel strategy. A well-built HR management strategy will allow top management to form a team that meets the realities of modern business. The development of a personnel strategy is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of development plans for an organization, especially if management intends to carry out a series of organizational or technological reforms. Due to the pandemic in 2021, these seem to be not uncommon. The strategy should take into account all areas of work with personnel – from recruiting to dismissal – and be clearly focused on the implementation of the strategic objectives of the organization's business development. This fact raises the need for a more effective linkage of planning for labor requirements with planning of business performance. The direct connection of the HR strategy with the пeneral strategy of the company determines the probability of its effective implementation. This unity provides a condition for the implementation of strategies aimed at the growth of qualified personnel.When developing the methodological foundations of the research, the author studied the publications of famous scientists. The article presents the results of the analysis of conceptual approaches of various scientists to the study of the company's HR strategy.
About the Author
A. T. Sissenova
Turan University
c.e.s., professor
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