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Territorial aspect of urban and rural population migration


In the article the authors studied the territorial aspect of migration of urban and rural population. The analysis of inter-regional migrations is necessary to assess the internal migration situation in the country. Based on statistical data, the analysis of the number and share of urban and rural population of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out. The differentiation of the population by Kazakhstan regions is studied. Based on the study of domestic sociodemographic indicators, it is concluded that migration and population are geodemographic terms that depend on each other. The analysis of the balance of interregional migration of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan is relevant, since demographic and economic results affect countries regardless of the level of economic development. The nature of migration in Kazakhstan has changed at the present stage, as values and migration factors have been transformed. Migration processes are a concrete result of a specific stage of socio-economic and political development of a country. This is confirmed by the analysis of the population of the capital for the period from 1999 to 2019. The growth of intraregional migration ensures the growth of demographic potential. The continuous outflow of people of working age from rural areas and the return of people of pre-retirement and retirement age to rural areas ensures age transformation in rural areas, namely demographic aging of the population. This process increases the demographic
burden on the working-age population and reduces the birth rate due to a drop in the number of people at the fertile age.

About the Authors

G. K. Kurmanova
West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University
c.e.s., associate professor

B. A. Urazova
West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University
master of economic sciences

A. A. Kim
West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University
c.e.s., associate professor

B. B. Sukhanberdina
West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University
c.e.s., associate professor


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For citations:

Kurmanova G.K., Urazova B.A., Kim A.A., Sukhanberdina B.B. Territorial aspect of urban and rural population migration. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):107-113. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)