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Sustainable development of higher education in modern economy


The actions of each person underlie the principles of sustainable development of society. That is why education plays an essential role in the implementation of the ideas of sustainable development. In the minds and behaviour of people, their attitude to the environment, education acts as an instrument of positive transformations. Positive changes are taking place in society from the quality of education to the quality of life. Education acts as a regulator of various social processes: from the growth of culture and the rise of human needs to the development of production and the activation of global processes. The goal of education for sustainable development is the formation of the intellectual potential of society, which serves as the basis for ensuring a high quality of life and social equality. In the digital economy, the basis of the educational process should be innovation and the upbringing of a generation capable of generating innovation and learning throughout life. All this variety of competencies will form a personality that is resistant to modern digital reality. The transformation of higher education in the context of widespread digitalization requires an appropriate level of infrastructure, the level of digital competencies of teachers, and their readiness to change. After all, digital technologies are fundamentally changing the content and form of courses delivery. Higher education should work eproactively, shaping the digital competence of graduates, exceeding the existing range of knowledge, skills and abilities.

About the Authors

T. S. Korotkova
Innovative University of Eurasia
master of sciences

D. I. Zakirova
Turan University


1. Korotkova T.S., Zakirova D.I. Vysshee obrazovanie v kontekste kontseptsii ustoichivogo razvitiya // Statistika, uchet i audit. – 2020. – № 3(78). – S. 184–189.

2. The World Bank Data. School enrollment, tertiary (% gross): SE.TER.ENRR. Accessed 05 Nov 2020.

3. The World Bank Data. Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP): Accessed 05 Nov 2020.

4. Toffler A. Future shock. – N.Y.: Random House, Curtis Brown, Ltd., 1970. – 558 r.

5. Zakirova D.I. Respublika Kazakhstan v mirovom reitinge tsifrovoi konkurentosposobnosti // Vestnik universiteta «Turan». – 2020. – № 1(85). – S. 15–21.

6. Official Internet resource of the State program “Digital Kazakhstan”: Accessed 05 Nov 2020.

7. Bureau of national statistics of the Agency for strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Accessed 05 Nov 2020.


For citations:

Korotkova T.S., Zakirova D.I. Sustainable development of higher education in modern economy. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):121-127.

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