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The importance of features of the state financial control system


The system of financial control of the state is an integral attribute of state power. Improving its efficiency will help strengthen the financial, budgetary and tax order. Creating an effective system of state financial control by solving complex problems and identifying promising areas of development is an urgent task of the country. Any direction of state activity is formed on the basis of tasks that need to be implemented in the future to achieve the goals. In order to ensure full and timely budget execution, the Ministry of Finance is working to improve the quality of budget planning and execution, optimize and improve the efficiency of the budget execution process and treasury servicing accounts of state institutions, public procurement, as well as to prevent financial violations when using state budget funds. The internal state audit Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Department that performs functions in the field of internal financial control within the competence of the Central Executive body, monitors the use of budget funds at the national and local levels on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the Committee pays special attention to the targeted and effective use of budget funds allocated for the implementation of the address of the First President. Summarize, to ensure efficiency and avoiding inefficientin using funds, the activities of the financial control Committee of MF RK will be aimed at protecting the interests of the budget by further improving the efficiency of internal public financial control and the improvement of its conduct in collaboration with other bodies.

About the Authors

K. K. Mamutova
M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
c.e.s., associate professor

A. B. Aidarova
M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
c.e.s., associate professor

G. E. Maulenkulova
M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
c.e.s., associate professor


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For citations:

Mamutova K.K., Aidarova A.B., Maulenkulova G.E. The importance of features of the state financial control system. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):147-153. (In Kazakh)

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