
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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The experience of Western European states and Japan mobilization deployment during the World War I and its use in modern conditions


This article specifies that the mobilization preparation of the economy is the most important part of the organization of defense and security of any state. The socio-economic content of such categories as “mobilization”, “mobilizability”, “mobilization economy”, “mobilization deployment” and “economic mobilization” is defined in full. The main features of the mobilization economy and peculiarities of economic mobilization are defined. Features of economic mobilization are considered. It is emphasized that a need for economic mobilization arose relatively recently – during the World War I when many-millioned armies were deployed, which in their turn required huge material resources. The world experience of mobilization deployment during the First World War is analyzed: the experience of Western European states is studied on the example of Germany, England and France, as well as Japan. The reasons prevented the rapid deployment of military production are established. It is established that the mobilization deployment of the economy as a process of turning the country's military and economic potential into a real defense power depends on many factors, including general economic capabilities of a state, the degree of readiness of its economy to switch to the wartime regime and ensure timely military production in the required volumes and assortment. Based on the analysis, the author formulated certain conclusions that can be considered at the present time when solving the problems of the mobilization economy in many countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan.

About the Author

G. N. Dugalova
Kazakh University of Technology and Business
d.e.s., professor


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For citations:

Dugalova G.N. The experience of Western European states and Japan mobilization deployment during the World War I and its use in modern conditions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):154-159. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)