Factors and conditions for the development of innovative potential
The economy is formed under the influence of numerous objective factors for a given country that ensure the success of innovations. Long-term determinants of the evolution of innovative economic development are such factors as the size of the country, the wealth of different types of resources, the specifics of the historical development of state institutions and forms of business activity. The article pays special attention to the characteristics of the basic factors of influence and features of their manifestation in the economy of Kazakhstan. The type of economic system, the openness of the state's economic system, and the place of the country's industrial complex in the international division of labor are considered as external limitations of innovative development. It is concluded that in the context of globalization, the trends of modern changes in exogenous factors of innovative development are generally unfavorable for increasing innovation activity in most industries of Kazakhstan. Competition, institutions, and innovation are considered as internal factors. The foundation of an innovative economy is knowledge as a productive resource. The classification of knowledge by types of knowledge is presented: basic level of knowledge, “advanced” knowledge and innovative knowledge, and the special role of network structures in global communication is shown. Purposeful management of the system of dynamic factors of innovative development of the economy and development of mechanisms for converting new knowledge into product and / or technological innovations are designed to improve the efficiency of this process. At the same time, it is noted that the adaptability of institutions to innovative processes is more important than the concentration of resources on priority areas of industries.
About the Authors
F. D. Larichkin
G.P. Luzin Institute for Economic Studies – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
Russian Federation
d.e.s., professor
U. S. Alimbetov
Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University
d.e.s., professor, corresponding member of NIA RK
N. V. Krause
D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan Technical University
c.e.s., associate professor
R. Sh. Takhtaeva
Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University
Russian Federation
PhD student
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For citations:
Larichkin F.D.,
Alimbetov U.S.,
Krause N.V.,
Takhtaeva R.Sh.
Factors and conditions for the development of innovative potential. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):180-187.
(In Russ.)
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