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The influence of innovative factors on the innovative development of Kazakhstan regions


The article considers the relationship between the influence of innovative factors and the gross regional product. The following statistically observable indicators were selected as factors: the level of productivity in the field of innovation and the volume of innovative products (goods, services). The calculations were performed using the method of correlation analysis for thirteen regions and three cities of National significance. Official statistics for 2011–2019 were used. Correlation analysis of statistical data for the Republic of Kazakhstan showed strong or close correlation between the parameters under consideration. The level of activity in the field of innovations for 2011–2019 is shown, sources of financing of the volume of innovative products for 2011–2019 are given, correlation coefficients are calculated for the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole and for the regions of the Republic. The following variables were included in the correlation: gross regional product, level of innovation activity, and volume of innovation output. The method of statistical data processing, i.e. correlation analysis, is applied. Correlation analysis reveals the closeness of the studied objects. Mathematical processing of the obtained data was carried out using computer programs using the “Excel” and “Statistica 10” packages. The relationship between GRP variables and the level of innovation activity is evaluated, as well as the relationship between GRP variables and the volume of innovative products. It is concluded that the volume of innovative products allocated by the state and the level of activity in the field of innovation strongly affects the level of GRP.

About the Authors

А. А. Nurpeisova
Financial academy
PhD student

Z. К. Yesymkhanova
Turan-Astana University
c.e.s. of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, professor


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For citations:

Nurpeisova А.А., Yesymkhanova Z.К. The influence of innovative factors on the innovative development of Kazakhstan regions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(4):195-201. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)